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Year of Biodiversity and Tiger Updates

>> Monday, March 22, 2010

UN's International Year of Biodiversity is really taking off. Besides educating about biodiversity, there is a PUMA ad campaign, constant press releases, inspiring stories of people and groups doing what they can to promote a healthy world, and so much more! They are even partnering with WWF to promote Earth Hour, which is coming soon.

The website is loaded with all kinds of informative videos, podcasts, photos, and other goodies designs to inspire and educate. There is even a calendar with all the events that are going on for this year. Truly, UNEP has done a fabulous job with trying to get the message out there.

On the other end, the WWF year of the tiger isn't doing so bad either! They are constantly releasing articles on the fight for the tiger like this one about Chinese medicine societies rejecting tiger bones. This is a very big step to conserving these amazing creatures.

So between learning about awesome animals here on Potspoon!, reading up on biodiversity, learning about tigers and how you can help, and the upcoming Earth Hour, how have you been impacting your world?


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