JS-Kit Comments

Island Dogs

>> Friday, October 16, 2009

Today's post was inspired by a comment on SeaLaura's recent post. A commenter mentioned a dog beach on an island. Since many people don't know too much about it, I figured I would clue you all in...

The one that has made news in the past is nicknamed Dead Dog Beach. The beach is located in Yabucoa, Puerto Rico. There are many "dog beaches" throughout the Caribbean. Now, when we say dog beach, we do not mean dog-friendly beaches that you can take your pet. These are beaches that have large populations of strays living on or near them. Now, back to Puerto Rico. The reason it is called Dead Dog Beach is not for the faint of heart. Many of the animals are tortured or beaten regularly by local residents. An organization known as Island Dog is aiming to teach the people in this area that animal cruelty is not okay. They also provide other services for the animals like bringing food and fresh water, providing medications, and spaying/neutering.

Needless to say, the program has grown considerably and they have reached out to many other dog beaches in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. One of the programs allows people flying on American Airlines to certain destinations check a pet. Once they arrive at the destination, partnering shelters will pick up the animal at the airport. All you have to do is check the animal. You can find out more ways to get involved here.

As you know, adopting animals is very near to my heart. If you are a new reader, the photo above is of my doggy, Floyd. She was abandoned and is what we locals refer to as a coconut retriever. She has been a part of my family for three years now and I wouldn't have it any other way. If you know anyone who is traveling to the Caribbean, see if the flights coincide with Island Dog's pick up centers. You can make a big difference.

Don't forget: The Donor's Choose Challenge is going on 'til the end of October. Make a difference in school children's lives.


Maritza October 16, 2009 at 6:23 PM  

As a child I remember going to Puerto Rico to visit the family and seeing all the strays at the beach and neighborhoods as well. I would be scared of them because they were vicious and mistreated so they would attack at any given time. Now this was many moons ago I have to admit, but since I was never really interested in the island because NY was home to me I didn't keep up with these issues. I never would have imagined that this problem still existed just as bad. Its very sad that my people have done so little to get educated on this matter. I have to also say that unfortunately the mistreatment of animals gets passed down from generation to generation. I am fortunate that my mother was the one to educate not only her children but my own father on how to treat dogs. My father grew to cherish such innocent creatures so much that when one of our dogs fell off a roof after chasing a cat, and died my father cried. He grieved that dog. And all this due to my mother educating us that animals have to be loved as well because they too were created by God. This is something that I as well have passed down to my girls. Thank you Mimi for informing us that this issue still exists in many places, but that finally there are organizations out there willing to do something about it. I am very proud of you daughter for also loving animals the way your grandmother would have wanted you to. I know she is looking down at you very proud and smiling.

sealaura October 16, 2009 at 6:36 PM  

Hola! So glad you could tell us more about the dog beaches. on st. john I saw a lot of signs for cats to be adopted. Especially in Mongoose Junction where there are so many of them. Hope you are well amiga, abrazo to you and Floydsita.

Marizela M. Zambrano October 17, 2009 at 1:09 AM  

was grandpa a dogfighter? I am glad you appreciate animals now :D

Recent blog:=- Island Doggies Need Love Too!

Marizela M. Zambrano October 17, 2009 at 1:10 AM  

Say hi to Normy for me!

Recent blog:=- Island Doggies Need Love Too!

mylittlebecky October 17, 2009 at 11:22 AM  

that is SO cool! i will def keep my ears peeled for anyone heading that way!

Marizela M. Zambrano October 18, 2009 at 3:14 PM  

Thanks. Every person that knows about this program is a great help!

Recent blog:=- Island Doggies Need Love Too!

petsafe stubborn dog collar October 25, 2009 at 3:14 PM  

I love dogs, my doggy is just like the one in this picture, thank you for the share.

petsafe stubborn dog collar

Recent blog:=- By: mike

Marizela M. Zambrano October 26, 2009 at 2:17 PM  

I am of the mind that mutts are the best breed of dog.

Recent blog:=- What a Week!

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