More Pre-2009 Wrap-Ups
>> Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Since all my favorite news websites are doing their own best of 2008 things and I sort of did one based on NASA a few days ago, I am left to my own devices. I want new news. Ah well, such is life.
Instead, I bring you some of the best of everyone else's blog posts. Sort of my own mini blog carnival, but no submissions, just me remembering what I can.
- First off, a post by the ever popular Greg Laden. His site really got me thinking I could have my own blog and was the first on my blogroll. One particular post really made me start exploring the rest of the internet with even more depth than I had in the past. It was a video from TEDTalks (which I am hooked on by the way, really good stuff) about how mushrooms will save the world.
- In a post of much interest to anyone who blogs, political favorite of mine Crooks and Liars, had a post recently about a certain person (read the post if you must know... this isn't a political blog so I will try to keep it that way) who thinks anonymous blogging should be banned. That would mean I would have to be banned too, since, you know, Mimi is just a nick-name. Ay me!
- I have always packed my own bento-style lunches on airplanes but this is where I can give a shout (whisper from my site, really) to the ruler-supreme of all bento blogs: Lunch in a Box. Biggie started the year off last year with this post about packing airplane bentos. I think she did a really great job with this one and I actually picked up a few tips for the airplane bentos I already made.
- ScientistMother did a really good job with bringing the question to light about whether or not culture affects your science. In it she reveals a bit about herself and states why the question came to her and how she copes. It also tugs at the roles of women in science and is in general a good read.
- This post on Pikko's blog is not bento related and I don't have kids but I had to laugh when I read it. She posted the 10 Toddler Commandments. There are also pictures of food and be warned: her site makes everyone wish they were organized enough to cook like her.
- A local political blog, Virgin Islands Watch, just did a post about the corrupt governments in the US. We are number 2. SHAME! It is a great post.
- The amazing people at Oecana started a blog and were the first to let me know who might be the head of NOAA. I am glad that Obama went with Jane Lubchenco.

cool. I had not heard that. Perhaps it is because we are now a noticably top heavy planet. Hm...
cool. I had not heard that. Perhaps it is because we are now a noticably top heavy planet. Hm...
cool. I had not heard that. Perhaps it is because we are now a noticably top heavy planet. Hm...
cool. I had not heard that. Perhaps it is because we are now a noticably top heavy planet. Hm...
cool. I had not heard that. Perhaps it is because we are now a noticably top heavy planet. Hm...
cool. I had not heard that. Perhaps it is because we are now a noticably top heavy planet. Hm...
cool. I had not heard that. Perhaps it is because we are now a noticably top heavy planet. Hm...
cool. I had not heard that. Perhaps it is because we are now a noticably top heavy planet. Hm...
cool. I had not heard that. Perhaps it is because we are now a noticably top heavy planet. Hm...
cool. I had not heard that. Perhaps it is because we are now a noticably top heavy planet. Hm...
cool. I had not heard that. Perhaps it is because we are now a noticably top heavy planet. Hm...
cool. I had not heard that. Perhaps it is because we are now a noticably top heavy planet. Hm...
cool. I had not heard that. Perhaps it is because we are now a noticably top heavy planet. Hm...
cool. I had not heard that. Perhaps it is because we are now a noticably top heavy planet. Hm...
cool. I had not heard that. Perhaps it is because we are now a noticably top heavy planet. Hm...
cool. I had not heard that. Perhaps it is because we are now a noticably top heavy planet. Hm...
cool. I had not heard that. Perhaps it is because we are now a noticably top heavy planet. Hm...
cool. I had not heard that. Perhaps it is because we are now a noticably top heavy planet. Hm...
cool. I had not heard that. Perhaps it is because we are now a noticably top heavy planet. Hm...
cool. I had not heard that. Perhaps it is because we are now a noticably top heavy planet. Hm...
cool. I had not heard that. Perhaps it is because we are now a noticably top heavy planet. Hm...
cool. I had not heard that. Perhaps it is because we are now a noticably top heavy planet. Hm...
cool. I had not heard that. Perhaps it is because we are now a noticably top heavy planet. Hm...
cool. I had not heard that. Perhaps it is because we are now a noticably top heavy planet. Hm...
cool. I had not heard that. Perhaps it is because we are now a noticably top heavy planet. Hm...
cool. I had not heard that. Perhaps it is because we are now a noticably top heavy planet. Hm...
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