Are you Certifiable?
>> Friday, September 11, 2009
Aw, come on! I don't mean it like that! I mean your backyard. I know a few of my readers have a lot of visitors in their yards and that is just what the National Wildlife Federation is looking for. NWF is having a drive to certify 150,000 yards this weekend. As an added incentive, by applying for certification you get:
- A personalized certificate that recognizes your NWF Certified Wildlife Habitat™.
- A free NWF membership which includes a full year's subscription to the award-winning National Wildlife® magazine and 10% off all NWF catalog purchases.
- A free subscription to the quarterly e-newsletter, Habitats, full of insightful tips and information on gardening and attracting wildlife year after year.
- Your name listed in NWF's National registry of certified recognize all you've done for wildlife.
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