Debate! Creationism in Classrooms
>> Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Do you believe that creationism should be taught in school science classes? Do you think evolution should be taught in classes? Is there a compromise that can be reached?
I, personally, have my own way of looking at things and teaching things. What most people think of as evolution is quite wrong. Darwin never said we came from monkeys. He just stated that we all came from a similar prehistoric ancestor. Knowing what I know about how caterpillars break down and butterflies rebuild themselves a la primordial soup just, in my mind, verifies that. Does that mean creationism isn't real? No. Creationism isn't really something you can prove or disprove. It just means evolution is real and can be proven. Science is about proving things not just believing in them. It is about working with tangible data and information and replicating results. I believe in various things but science is not where I talk about those... They are separate to me.
What do you think and why?
You hit the nail on the head. Creationism is a belief system, not a scientific theory that can be tested. Creationism can be taught in Religion or Life sessions but NOT in science or as alternative to Evolution
@scientistmother... I know right! I just wish the people of Apologia would let this alone! Scientists... Sure!
Science and religion support the same truth-pure energy is the father of creation..
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