JS-Kit Comments

Oh, Fall!

>> Sunday, November 8, 2009

While I love summer, I think autumn may arguably be my favorite season. You can wear sweaters OR shorts, the mild days are perfect for picnics, the chilly nights are great for campfires or fires of any kind, the breezes are perfect for kit flying, and the colors are spectacular. I wish it could last longer. I live in a place where summer is year round... why isn't there a place with autumn year round?

As much as I would like to fantasize about red leaves and gourd harvests being year round, there is actually a good reason for why it can't last. All those beautiful colors are caused for a very good reason. In the fall, the days get much shorter and the plants have less time to photosynthesize. This is how our plants make food for themselves and what gives them the beautiful green we are used to. The chlorophyll in the plant is what helps this photosynthesis happen. As the plants chlorophyll gets smaller, other pigments in the plants begin to show through, like the reds and yellows you see around you this time of year.

The plants are conserving energy to survive the oncoming winter and then lose their leaves. When the days get longer, the leaves come back, and are green for feeding! This is pretty impressive and makes me appreciate fall all the more.

Happy Autumn!


wendy November 10, 2009 at 7:18 PM  

Ah, so that's why the leaves change colour! Now I know. Though they are pretty, I don't wish autumn all year round. Now summmer..... ahhhh...

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Marizela M. Zambrano November 11, 2009 at 11:07 AM  

summer is my second favorite... that is why I live in the Caribbean. Summer year round! :D

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jeanneendo November 20, 2009 at 1:29 AM  

Hi Mimi!

It has been too long. I have been having very hard time lately with doing blog comments. It has been a major challenge just to post on my own blog. Having a Twitter impostor for 27 days didn't help matters. Anyway, I'm happy to find a moment to pop over and say hi.

Fall is my favorite season. I LOVE the colors and I greatly appreciate the temps being not-too-hot and not-too-cold most days. Great picture!

I hope you are feeling OK and I'll talk with you soon. :)


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