JS-Kit Comments

What's going on?

>> Monday, July 28, 2008

First things first, I won a haiku challenge at Lunch Bucket Bento and part of the "prize" is being featured as the next blog to write a haiku about. I was a bit nervous because it's a food blog and, needless to say, this is not. Surprisingly enough, some of the haikus are HILARIOUS! You should go read them. Maybe you could enter too and win a cute prize!

Next up on the list, it's my cousin's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NAGEE!

Finally, this Friday is a solar eclipse from Europe through Asia. Sorry to my Western Hemisphere readers! There are many really fun ways to view a solar eclipse without staring at the sun. I know it sounds like fun, but I do not recommend it. The first thing you could do is use a special pair of eclipse glasses. The next thing, what I'm doing, is watch it online. NASA is webcasting it live from China. It will be a full eclipse there. The easiest is to put a pinhole in a piece of paper or poster board and set it about a meter above something. Then you watch the shadow from the light cast through the pinhole onto the ground or whatever you have it above. Pretty easy. I did this in 2nd grade or something and it worked great. Since I am pretty sure most of us are in the Western Hemisphere, however, I suggest you just use the link above and watch it online. That is, unless of course, you have something better to do. Lol.


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