Flex Your Mussels

>> Thursday, September 12, 2013

Epioblasma raniana
Freshwater mussels play a vital role in aquatic ecosystems. They are amazing filters and are capable- in tight clusters- of filtering as much water as a treatment plant. It's no wonder why researchers working with the Illinois Natural History Survey, a division of the University of Illinois, have been working so hard to save two endangered species or mussel.

They moved individuals of the two endangered species- the northern riffle shell (Epioblasma rangiana)and the clubshell (Pleurobema clava)- from the Allgheny River in Pennsylvania to another area in the Ohio River Basin in Illinois. The species hadn't been seen in this area in about 100 years and have been transplanted with an 80% success rate. The area they were moved from was a site due for bridge restoration which would have greatly impacted the already dwindling numbers of these mussels.

You can read more at the University of Illinois site here.

The Effects of Fructose

>> Thursday, June 20, 2013

Fructose remains highly controversial because previous studies claimed liver disease was not caused by fructose, but by higher caloric intake. This study sets out prove that all calories are NOT created equal.

Check out this article! http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/06/130619164437.htm

Monday Blues: GENETIC MUTANT FREAKS! or not so much...

>> Monday, April 15, 2013

I've talked about eyes a few times before, but usually in relation to sea critters or bugs. Today, it's about all you blue eyed people. Yes. All of you. You are all mutants! This is an old article, but a fun one to tie into my old Monday Blues series. 

According to a team at the University of Copenhagen, all blue- eyed people in the world share a common ancestor. A genetic mutation affecting the OCA2 gene is to blame. This gene is the one responsible for skin and hair color as well. If all the switches on this gene are" turned off," you get albinism. People in Turkey, Jordan, and Denmark all had this one switch on the exact spot of their DNA mutated, leading the team to the conclusion that all blue eyes stem from one mutation between 6 and 10,000 years ago.

You can read more here. And don't worry, you're all cute mutants.

This Week in Science

>> Thursday, March 21, 2013

This has been an exciting week in science! I know what you're thinking, so were a LOT of other weeks... where have you been? I have had things to deal with. If you read Roogoodoo at all, you may know what some of those are.... anyway. On to the science news!

  • In space related news, Jeff Bezos (a.k.a. that billionaire guy from Amazon.com), funded the recovery of the Apollo 11 rockets from their longtime home in the bottom of the ocean. For those that somehow don't recall, this was the mission and shuttle that landed the first humans on the moon.
  • Stingray behavior is changeable. A study published in PLoS ONE noted the way rays at the infamous Stingray city in the Caymans acted compared to their non-human-fed counterparts.
  • You're a cheater! Don't believe me? Well, a study has proven it... sort of. Our brains are cheaters when it comes to remembering social ties and relationships. You can read more about your cheating mind here.
  • Lastly, in tech news, Apple wants Siri to take over the world. They may not want it to be as malicious as Pinky and the Brain may have wanted it, but they do want her voice to be your companion. From everyday tasks in your home, to the voice of your entertainment center, Apple plans on taking her places

That's it for highlights. Keep stirring up knowledge!

Photo from Absolute Divers.


Great News of the Week!

>> Thursday, December 13, 2012

Unilever and schools to recycle those plastic deodorant tubes:

Christmas tree genetics uncovered:
New advances in solar cells being woven into fabric:
Gold mining is for the bugs:

Hope you guys have an awesome week!

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Freaky Facts Friday

>> Friday, November 30, 2012

Pluto’s journey around the Sun takes 248 Earth years. This means that, since its discovery in 1930, it still has 177 years to go until it has made a complete orbit around the Sun.

Thanks, random science fact app!!!

More Uses for Scotch... Tape, That Is

>> Sunday, November 25, 2012

In a new article posted to ScienceDaily, researchers have found another remarkable use for Scotch brand tape as a smart material.

Researchers cut the tape into half centimeter "fingers" that, when exposed to water, turned into little claws that were great at picking up water droplets.

Its uses can be varied to suit the researchers needs. It's cost effective and reusable and van babe used for things like collecting pollen, water, and microbes:
Because it has an adhesive side, it is very functional for this sort of work. You can read more at the link above.

Original material from Perdue University.

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