Play a PC Game On Your TV
>> Thursday, November 18, 2010
The holiday season is upon us. Time to empty the savings accounts, max out the credit cards and wait in line on Black Friday to play let's make a deal in the cold with large groups of people. If this doesn't sound like loads of fun, let me suggest and alternative purchase for the gamers in your life. One word OnLive.
OnLive is a streaming service on sale today, product wont' ship until December 2, that has the potential to change the way we as consumers purchase and play video games. For the price of $99 you get small unit, which plugs into your internet connection and then into your TV. Currently there is no subscription price and with the purchase you also get a controller and a $50 credit with OnLive; making your first game free.
For more information on how this process works click here.
The real draw about this product is that now video games can be played on your low end computer. Publishers like EA, THQ, Codemasters, Ubisoft, Atari, Warner Bros., Take-Two, Epic Games, and 2D Boy are also on board with this.
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