JS-Kit Comments

Cost of Cancer

>> Monday, June 14, 2010

I know, I should be posting about the spill and whatnot, but I am glad the news decided to pay attention to it again. I'm going to post about something else that affects almost everyone directly and indirectly: cancer.

In a recent analysis published in Cancer, a peer-reviewed journal published by the American Cancer Society, it was found that over two million survivors did not get any needed medical services because of rising healthcare costs. Most survivors under 65 were willing to forgo basic medical care because of concerns about prescription costs, actual services costs, mental health, and more. It was found that Hispanic and black cancer patients were more likely to skip prescriptions and dental visits due to cost.

There is hope, however. Groups like the American Cancer Society have many fundraisers to help families in need. Their annual Relay for Life is held all over the country (and many places in the world) to raise lots of funds that stay local. Go to the website to find out when an event is happening in your area.

You can find the article about the analysis here.


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