A Rant
>> Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Okay. I suck. I know. I haven't really posted anything of sustenance in a while. I'm pooped. All I have been doing is making, thinking, eating sandwiches. I am glad I am creative with them. Sheesh! I finally did get a half day off yesterday and got to see some of "real" Florida. It was nice. It rained a bit though. Oh wells. I did get to see something besides the inside of the shop and the drive to Mom's. I am really excited though.... Hubby comes on Thursday!!! Woohoo! I get to see him for a few days. He leaves again on Sunday, but I am still so happy to see him. It has been 3 LOOONNNGGGG weeks. Even though we talk like 10 times a day, we are both still very excited. I won't get out of the shop much, but at least I get to hang out with him. Sorry this was a useless post. It's just nice to get it out of my system.
good to get an update and no worries on the rant. That was not a rant at all :)
so happy that u will get to see the hubs. I move this friday so I hear you on changes and chaos.
No worries about the rant. Being away from home stinks! As does lots of rain...
Love the picture. You guys are too cute.
oh yeah!
I don't have anything to say either. I've blogged about gardening stuff. About hubby stuff. About a birthday in the family. Well it's raining today. Whatever.....
Nice to get an update on how you're doing in Florida. Too bad we couldn't have met up on the day I was leaving and you were arriving.
I am so happy hubby is coming! You two NEED to be together!
I am so far behind...did you move to Florida? You and your Mom are so cute.
Lots of hugs,
yay! i hope you guys are having fun!
It's ok... you're allowed.
working on it.
Yup, the same day you arrived, I was leaving fort lauderdale. I spent a week there - respite from my caregiving. Thought I had mentioned it before, but apparently not. I have no idea what airport you were at, but it was the same day. Small world, ay?
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